You pinch
And pull
And scratch
And tug
And tear
And bite
The very body that holds you up
The body that loves
And stands by you always
The body you can't bear to look at
Cover the mirror so you don't have to see
Baggy clothes to hide the dimples
And rolls
Of you
Holding your stomach in
When someone wants to take a photo
Forcing a smile
Angling your might away from the camera
Least you have more reminders of what you are
What you look like
What others see
What you see
But it was never about your size
Your size doesn't give a roadmap to you
To your kindness
To your wit
To your humour
To your intelligence
To your caring
Your body doesn't show what makes you you
The books you read
The songs you sing to
The music that makes you dance
The food you love
The words that burn within you
You do not need to hide behind your stomach
Or your ass
Or your belly rolls
Or your double chin
Or your thighs that burn on a summers day
The body that you hold
Also holds you
It is you
It is not ugly
It is not unwanted
It is not too much
It is not too much
It is not too much
You are not too much
Every inch millimetre atom of space you take up is worthy
Every crop top you wear shows off the beauty that is you
Every short skirt
Every pair of jeans
Every dress
You decorate your body with
Radiates the beauty that is you
Now I love my rolls
I hug my stomach
I thank my thighs for who they are
I squash and squeeze my own backside
Because it is me
And I refuse to apologise for even a single
atom of space my body decides to take up
By Darcie Thomas