My funeral - my words
My body is just a shell
Don't waste any money on any extravaganza
Share stories about me with each other
Wear bright clothes
Touch each other's souls
Come with a smile
Clap a little, dance a little and cry a little if you wish
You will not be able to see me because my body
would perish but my essence will be so very close to
Remember that while you might be weeping I will be
If you really feel that you want to spend some money
to mark my homecoming then feed as many mouth
as my age, plant trees and just love one another- your
dead a long time.
You don't need to pray for my soul to be in peace, my
soul was at peace when I was housed in my body and
when I merge with the over soul, the universe, I am
free and totally at peace.
Share happy silly funny deep stories don't hold any-
thing back.
Find the cheapest way to dispose of my body and
check my third drawer in the office I've already paid
for my funeral!
Peace be with you.
By Paramjit Oberoi